Best Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis Reviews

This article is going to be an informative piece for those wanting to learn about the common foot problem- Plantar Fasciitis. The information here is reliable, trustworthy, and accessible. Plantar Fasciitis is a common foot condition that affects all ages, genders, and people. For persons with plantar fasciitis, getting a pair of suitable shoes is a vital thing.

In a hurry? Get a quick pick here!

Rubber material with breathable mesh designed for smelly feet kidsASICS Kids Gel-Venture 7 Running Shoes

Most lightweight shoes with arch support for plantar fasciitisASICS Men’s Gel-Venture 7 Running Shoes

Most comfortable with high-density foamNew Balance Men’s 608 V5 Casual Comfort Cross Trainer

The choice for swollen feetOrthoshoes Men’s Diabetic Edema Shoes

Designed for athletic with plantar fasciitis for walking and runningSkechers Men’s Go Walk 5 Walking Shoe Sneaker

best shoes for nurses with plantar fasciitis

  • You will be able to see how different ages affect Plantar Fasciitis
  • Understand the causes of Plantar Fasciitis
  • How to avoid it
  • Treatments for it
  • Scientific ways to treat it based on different suffers


Plantar Fasciitis Is A Common Disease That Most People Have

Plantar Fasciitis is the most notorious cause of pain on the bottommost of the heel, an outstanding number of 2 million people are treated for this unique condition every annual.

It is most commonly found in those aged 40-60 years old but can affect anyone of any age.

Fascia is the thin connective tissue, thinly enclosing every organ, blood vessel, and bone in place. Fascia has nerves and is almost as sensitive as skin, it also connects your skin to the tissue directly beneath it.

It is vital because it is woven into all of our body systems giving them shape, and allowing pain-free movement to occur. Plantar is referred to as the sole of the foot.

Definition of Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is also known as the ‘policeman’s heel’ is the inflammation of the dense fibrous bands of tissue on the soles of the foot that relates especially to the heel or arch pain of the feet.

The thick bands of tissue connect the heel bones to the toes, reducing the impact on the arch of your foot assisting you in walking. It is usually most serve on the first steps of the day or long period of immobility, the pain is brought by bending the foot or pointing the toes to your shin: pain typically coming gradually.


How to Know if You Have Plantar Fasciitis? – Symptoms

Morning heel painbest shoes for heel spurs and plantar fasciitis

If you have Plantar Fasciitis you usually feel a strong heel pain in the morning when you first step out of bed, making your first few steps quite the expedition. This happens in the morning because at night your plantar fascia actually contracts to cause you to be in more pain when you first wake up.

Subsiding pain

When you walk around you will most likely feel a sharp pain in your foot for your first few steps. This pain should go away after a few minutes, the will come back, we call this subsiding pain. After exercising you will also feel pain in this area, this is because you are over-exerting yourself.

Contracted fasciitis

Contracted fascia could be caused by overstretching, bad posture, and other various reasons, the plantar fascia is connected to the calve Achilles which can easily become tight and sore, making the ankles sore and contracting or tightening the plantar fascia which could be another reason for this pain, your calves could be sore from overexerting yourself, obesity or old age.

Recurrent morning pain

Waking up in the morning with Plantar Fasciitis is bound to hurt. This is because after sleeping your plantar fascia has contracted, and this sudden burst of energy when waking up tenses it up, resulting in pain.

Morning hobble

If you have plantar fasciitis, you may experience a morning hobble. This when you first wake up and your foot is trying to heel itself in the contracted position it was previously at night. This causes pain in the bottom of your foot, resulting in pain in the arch or heel. This area affects how you walk which arises the ‘morning hobble.’

Pain after long periods of rest

During the day after sitting down or having a rest, then you go to stand up, you will most likely feel pain in your foot. This due to the period of rest you just had before. When you take this break your plantar will contract because of the inflammation and micro-tears. When you attempt to walk you will feel more pain due to the new wave of micro-tears.


What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Documented Causes

It can be caused by excessive exercise

It creates excessive pressure on the sole and slowly causes it to rip, these tears can cause the ligaments to inflame or degenerate, causing pain in the heel and middle foot area.


Being overweight

The extra weight supplied onto the average body weight can cause stress on your joints and tendons can trigger plant fasciitis. Now thank me for motivating you to exercise tomorrow.



Wearing shoes that don’t have heel support or uneven heels can cause less pressure on the leg and ends up straining and putting too much pressure on the other leg.

  • Try avoiding flat bottom shoes, plant fasciitis may spike up in summer where people wear shoes like thongs, sandals, and boat shoes that offer no arch support.
  • Use shoes with removable soles so they can be replaced when they are losing their support and arch, instead of having to buy new shoes when the soles have been ruined and will not be effective anymore.

Shoes too large in size can also be a factor towards this, when your feet have too much space to move your strides become irregular and put a strain on your arches, while having smaller shoes can cause your feet to cramp up and your toes to curl, creating an irregular shaped foot and stretching your plantar fasciitis.


Habitual Runner

Running is very beneficial but when you run for excessive amounts without the right shoes, this can also cause this condition.


Mythical Causes

It is passed on through hereditary

Although there is another foot-related condition that can be passed on this way, this condition is not one of those. It is mainly caused by your lifestyle and habitats.


There are no cures

there are cures but you may also have conditions in other areas of your body that primarily resulted in you getting plantar.


Only occurs to those with flat feet

this is not true, having flat feet relates to having an arch of the foot resulting in the entire sole of the foot making contact with the ground when standing, this posture can cause strain on the plantar fasciitis. Although this is true people with ‘non flatted feet’ have still been reported to have this foot condition.


It is caused by heel spurs

people with plantar fasciitis usually have heel spurs which leads to this misconception so no there is no direct correlation between the two that have an effect on each other.


Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

shoes for plantar fasciitis men

1. Stretches and exercises to relieve pain

  • Doing a moderate amount of exercise and still walking is important, if you don’t walk it could result in a lack of activity
  • Toe extensions (toes facing the roof) stretches your feet muscles
  • Towel stretches, apply a good amount of pressure and stretch on feet
  • Soleus stretch, stretches out the calves and toes
  • Toe stretch, leaning your toes against the wall


2. Common home remedies

Applying lavender oil, has anti-inflammation properties and can be used as a possible treatment

Massages, to soothe your arches and heels, using your thumb to be able to massage all the same details. Using a roller or a golf ball of some sort will also help loosen and reduce tension.

Applying ice, using the ice to reduce and calm down the inflammation

Losing weight, since it is the cause of this condition trying to limit would also be beneficial, losing a couple of kilograms will definitely assist you in your home treatment

Stretching, just simple stretches to relax your body’s tightness and stress

Changing your shoes can help, or just changing the soles to a bouncy and doesn’t have as much impact as normal shoes.


3. How to cure it?

Physical therapy, by improving the balances and footing of your foot, there are different types of these therapies such as manual therapy which use their hands to manipulate your soft body tissues, it loosens the tight tissues and reduces inflammation.

Dry needling, a method where you place small needles in the areas of pain-causing to eventually fade away. Tapping by tapping your foot in place.

Massaging, although it is an at-home remedy as well, getting it done by the professionals is your best option since they will know all the right spots and are experienced in their area, and have the proper equipment.

Medicines, now taking medicines won’t actually get rid of the problem but it can make you not feel it. Taking painkillers and naproxen sodium may ease the pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis.


4. Orthopedic options you can choose

(NSAIDs) or nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs will help ease the pain and inflammation, you might several doses a week

-If the (NSAIDs) don’t work you most likely will have to resort to a steroid injection, it is injected into the most painful part of your plantar fasciitis, it will keep down inflammation for a month or longer

Shockwave therapy, ‘shocks’ your plantar fasciitis with sound waves, stimulating bloody flow into your heal to help heal tissue.


Treat Plantar Fasciitis Scientifically

1. Plantar fasciitis in Children

best shoes for plantar fasciitis women

Possible causes

  • Quick weight gain in a short amount of time
  • Taking part in high impact and stress activities may be a reason
  • Issues regarding feet such as high arched or flat-footed
  • Not warming up or cooling down before and after physical related activities
  • Broken, large, or small footwear can be the issue as well
  • Taking part in sports that require your feet a lot such as ballet


Daily treatments

By stretching daily and keeping up exercise (not too much though), you will most likely feel less pain in this area.

When doing stretching it would be best to do stretched that relate to the feet area of the body and around the calves as well, by stretching these tissues and muscles we can allow them to be loose and reduce the impact created on them.


What to Avoid?

  • Over-exercising
  • Bad shoes
  • Standing for long periods


Shoes Recommendations


2. Plantar fasciitis in Women

clarks shoes for plantar fasciitis

Possible causes

  • Pregnancy can be the cause of this foot issue, due to the fact that you will most likely have gained weight in this period of time rapidly your body won’t be able to adjust to holding up all this extra weight which it isn’t really used to doing.
  • Wearing shoes such as high heels can cause your feet to arch which could be the reason why you have been diagnosed with this condition. Arched heels can cause more pressure on the heels and soles of your feet.
  • ‘Flat Feet’ is also an issue where your entire sole is on the ground which can put so much pressure on it, there are treatments for this though. This could have been because the arches were not developed as a child, you can receive shoes to assist you.


Daily treatment

By losing your weight you could be assisting in your plantar condition, losing extra weight will mean that your body doesn’t have to hold up as much and removes the tension of your feet which could be the cause of the condition in the first place.

Shoe inserts in a method of treatment, by just changing your shoes with a new pair or changing the soles of them to a cushioning one. The shoes need to be sure to fit correctly and are not too big or small, try to avoid cheap thongs or sandals which will have less than the necessary support

Night Splints is a method where you will be prescribed to wear a splint that stretches your calf and the arch of your foot as you sleep, this will help hold the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon in a lengthened position to keep it intact.

Ultrasonic Tissue Repair is another method by using technology doctors can send a needle-like probe into the damaged part of the plantar fascia. By using ultrasound energy, the probe vibrates rapidly to break the damaged tissue, which is then suctioned out of the foot.


What to Avoid?

Standing for long periods of time either still or moving a little bit, will put so much pressure on it and worsen the inflammation, more than it already is. This extra stress may even injure other parts of your body.

Running for long periods, running can easily hurt your feet. But when you use the wrong shoes it is even more drastic since you don’t have the right support and can easily get hurt or cause a rupture. It would be better to run for a shorter period quickly to still be exercising but for shorter periods.

Don’t go bare feet on hard concrete surfaces, this is because it is much harder than grass or foam since it is stony and concrete. When doing exercise avoid doing it on concrete since there is no extra cushion-like there is on grass.


Shoe Recommendation


3. Plantar Fasciitis in Men

best tennis shoes for plantar fasciitis

Possible causes

  • Plantar will be caused by obesity, older age, unhealthy lifestyle, excessive exercise, and unsupportive shoes
  • Men that are of the age 40-60 are more qualified to have this condition due to older people generally putting more pressure on their feet than younger adolescence. It is said that men have a thicker plant fascia reducing their chances of having this condition and in women, it is higher
  • Men who regularly exercise excessively also have the risk of having this foot problem. Generally, men also weigh more than women increasing the stress levels on their feet. When adding exercise to the equation the stress level is very high most likely causing a disfigured feet and so much pressure on your legs.
  • Shoes that are supportive will decrease your chances of having this condition. Men who work tradie or labor jobs will need to wear very supportive shoes because their job is very rough and hard to do physically.


Daily treatment

Steroid Treatment is usually used as a last option due to the fact that it will only get rid of the pain for a month or so and is actually an alternative for (NSAIDs) when they don’t work or have the right effect.

This method isn’t recommended since you have to inject a needle into the most painful part of the plantar fascia and could most likely cause a rupture. They also end up weakening your plantar fascia. Using ultrasound imaging, platelet-rich plasma obtained from the diagnosed blood can be injected to promote tissue healing.

Surgery is an option when the plantar fascia is severe and other treatments already tried have failed. It can be done as an open operation or through small inclusion with local anesthesia.

Physical Therapy is a series of exercises to stretch the area where the plantar fascia, they can use massaging or they can tape your heel.


What to Avoid

-Avoid physically draining sport that can be heavy and hard on your feet, try alternative sports such as cycling and swimming which don’t put pressure on your feet. The sports are considered low-impact sports and can be beneficial if you have this condition.


Shoe Recommendation


4. Plantar Fasciitis in the Elderly

running shoes for plantar fasciitis

Possible causes

Having plantar fasciitis is more common as the age increases and is most common between the ages of 40-60, concluding that it is more common in the mid elderly. It is more common because they have a higher chance of obesity, and extra weight causes lots of stress on your feet.

  • Stress on legs and feet is very, very common and affects older people who have been walking for many more years than younger people, this continuous build-up of pressure on the legs is why older people have more chance of having plantar fasciitis.
  • Exercise is very good for you but doing lots will eventually harm your feet, as you get older you cannot exercise for long amounts as you used to be able to, increasing the chances of accidentally overexercising.
  • Inadequate footgear is another cause for this condition, people who wear shoes that don’t fit or are too small will cause problems for them. Make sure to wear the correct footgear and supportive gear especially now that you are older and have had more disturbances with your feet in the past.


Daily treatment

-For older people, the most common treatment is through stretching and conditioning. Stretches are mainly focused on the lower areas of your body such as your calves, heels, and soles.

These stretches can loosen and can limit the amount of pain on your heels. Stretching will lessen the strain or pull into slips of the plantar fascia band from proximal to distal.

Using essential oil on the area of pain will reduce the severity of inflammation in the area and keep it down for a while, this method will not get rid of the condition but just temporarily calm it down.

Using a TENS machine, it will send small electrical impulses to the area of pain, which will send a tingling sensation into that area of the body, all you have to do is attach pads to the affected area.

Using a brace would be a good idea for treatment, it will reduce swelling and help alleviate the amount of pain, you can also get ones specifically used at night.


What to Avoid?

Avoid over-exercising yourself and doing hard-core sports especially due to your old age since your body is more frail and sensitive.

Try doing massages more often to release all the tension that has been building up in your muscles and ligaments. It is also a good way to see if anything is off or not in place with your body.

Not standing for long periods of time, puts lots of stress on your legs and feet.


Shoe Recommendations


Supportive Insoles That Will Help

orthopedic shoes for plantar fasciitis

-How it works?

Supportive insoles work in a unique way to help with plantar fasciitis.

The supportive insole contours to the arch to provide support to help reduce the overpronation and straining of the connective tissue between the heel and the forefoot toes.

The insoles are padded with memory foam to support the footbed and the arch to effectively absorb the shock, reducing the impact due to improved stability and balance.


-Is it worth buying?

Supportive insoles offer an excellent solution because it enhances healing and prevention of plantar fasciitis symptoms and risks.


-Best insoles recommended

1. Plantar Fasciitis Feet Insoles Arch Supports Orthotics Inserts

Walkehero is a supportive orthotic insert that effectively and excellently works to help against foot muscle fatigue, making it recommendable for plantar fasciitis.

The insole features customized full-length footbed fitting; it is lightweight and has a semi-rigid orthotic EVA foam to offer optimal support, comfort, which improves stability and foot alignment. Besides, the deep heel cap absorbs pressure impact on the heel bone to minimize fatigue.

Further, the insole fabric is breathable to keep your foot cool and prevents bacterial and viral growth. If you have a pair of casual, sport, and official shoes, the Walkhero insole is reliable and durable to satisfy your needs.


2. Dr. Scholl’s Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Orthotics

Dr. Scholl’s is designed for casual shoes, work boots, sneakers, and slippers. Dr. Scholl’s is clinically proven to prevent and alleviate plantar fasciitis. The supportive insert is functional and reliable due to the construction of the underlying shock guard technology to ease the pressure, overstretching, and stressing the footbed.

Besides getting maximum comfort, you will experience dual-action relief against shock and stability while walking. Invest into Dr. Scholl’s because you will not only benefit against plantar fasciitis but also get full-length footbed fitting and foot muscle fatigue.


3. Plantar Fasciitis Arch Support Insoles for Men and Women Shoe Inserts

EASYFEET cares for everyone. EASYFEET is a pair of a unisex supportive insert that is high-quality constructed for reliability and durability, making it worth investing in.

Integrated with Anti-pronation Biomechanical Reinforcement Technology and cushioning layer of PU memory foam base, which is enhanced with air capsules to ensure the orthotics offer a smooth feel, stability, and comfort.

Your concern for heat and friction is sorted out because the durable TPU velvety construction features a breathable cover to reduce heat and friction.

Furthermore, the built-in deep heel support your Achilles’ tendons and keep them balanced for stability for extended hours.

Best Arch Support Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis

tennis shoes for plantar fasciitis

1. What to consider in choosing

Overstressing, overstraining, and misbalancing the connective tissues and foot structures from your toe to the heel enhances the risks of developing plantar fasciitis.

However, the type of shoe we wear also contributes to the risk of developing plantar fasciitis.

Hence, choosing the appropriate shoe will greatly reduce the risks and symptoms. Below are some of the factors to consider when choosing the right shoe. They include;


• Customized fitting and breathable

The fitting of the shoe is an essential factor contributing to the comfort, foot structure alignment, and stability. Therefore, the best shoes should have customizable features like lace upfront and straps for perfect fitting to reduce resistance and provide support.

Secondly, a perfect fitting shoe also allows your feet to naturally move and spread unrestricted, and spread comfortably without overstressing foot structures to minimize the forefoot, heel, and arch muscles fatigue.

Further, the shoe should also feature built-in breathable technology to reduce friction and keep your foot cool to minimize odor and viral and bacterial growth.


• Cushioned with several layers and have deep heels

The shoe’s comfort varies from peoples’ preference and the foot structure. However, the shoe meant for plantar fasciitis should be padded with a soft and rigid cushioning with several layers of memory foam, especially at the arch area, and incorporated with a deep heel structure support.

Hence, reducing the impact of the pressure exerted to your foot on multiple floor surface, enhance foot’s natural movement and keeps your foot structure aligned and balanced for stability. Thus, you can walk or stand confidently for prolonged hours.


• Sole with tractions

Friction is an essential aspect of daily life because of its stability. When searching for any shoe, the first feature that should cross your mind is your safety, and for that purpose, the type of sole guarantees that.

Therefore, you should keenly consider picking a shoe with a rugged outsole or with grips underneath to significantly reduce friction and provide enough stability to support your weight, thereby reducing the chances of getting injured, which may be the predisposing factor developing plantar fasciitis.


2. What to avoid?

You have a better knowledge that will help you choose the right shoe for plantar fasciitis, but there are things that you should avoid. That is;

• Wearing the wrong shoes

Wearing the wrong shoe size takes away the natural shape and foot structure stability, thereby putting a lot of pressure and stress on different areas; hence, aggravating plantar fasciitis symptoms.

Further, it would be best to avoid heeled shoes above your toes since they also increase risk factors of developing pain and inflammation of the connective muscle tissues.

• Avoid wearing minimalist shoes

Minimalist shoes are the type of shoes designed to mimic the feel of every step you make, but in the real sense, these shoes are not meant for plantar fasciitis because it has insufficient cushion support. Thus, it enhances stress and pressure on your foot.


3. Multiple available types

-Work boots

Your foot’s comfort and health are much affected by the type of work boot you are using. Therefore, for you to stand for prolonged hours while withstanding the heavy industrial operation, you must ensure you wear the right type of pair of shoes that will significantly protect you against injuries, provide maximum comfort and reduce foot fatigue while working.

Some of the best work boots that guarantee such benefits include;

1. Danner Men’s Vicious 4.5 Inch Non-Metallic Toe Work Boot

Danner men’s work boots are ergonomically designed and rich with unique features that make them functional and comfortable. A vicious work boot is lightweight and is constructed with the highest grade waterproof leather, and it has undergone multiple tests to ensure durability and to offer maximum comfort.

With an approximate 1.5” heel, 8.5” shaft measures, and EVA midsole molded directly to the outsole to add support, soft feel, and reduce pressure impact.

Besides, the Vibram sole guarantees your safety against friction. Also, it keeps your foot cool even under prolonged hours of wearing it due to the built-in waterproof and breathable GORETEX upper lining.


2. Timberland PRO Men’s 6” Pit Boss Steel-Toe

Thanks to the classic craftsmanship and engineering used to make Timberland PRO men’s work boots, it is reliable for plantar fasciitis symptoms.

Besides being integrated with stable features, the Timberland PRO 6” will meet rigorous work site demand while ensuring you get maximum comfort and reduced foot fatigue.

The sole construction features suspension technology, electrical hazard protection, and resistance against oil and all floor surface to reduce safety worries.

Further, it’s lightweight, breathable, and its 5.5” shaft depth and 1.5” heels ensure reduced pronation, pain, and pressure under the arch and ankle bones with reduced heat friction and also cushions every step you take.


3. Adidas Women’s Cloudfoam Pure Running Shoe

Built with a feminine sense of fashion, Cloudfoam is incorporated with a soft midsole memory sock-liner and textile lining to alleviate, enhance plantar fasciitis symptoms recovery improve comfort in every step.

The lace-up front allows you to customize the shoe fitting and foot alignment. Its rubber sole has tractions to improve surface stability and resistance on multiple floors.

Furthermore, the Cloudfoam heel is relatively elevated to 3 inches to reduce stress from the toe towards the arch and the heel bone.


4. Skechers Women’s Squad SR Food Service Shoe

Squad women sketchers are one of the best footwear work boots with comprehensive features that makes them ergonomic and reliable.

The shaft is designed with a low top height to equally spread the foot weight pressure along the footbed to enhance stability, foot posture and reduce pressure impact.

Moreover, your comfort is much improved with the supported memory foam that contours with the arch while walking. Lastly, it is designed with lightweight materials, a rugged synthetic soul to ensure you work for prolonged hours with reduced fatigue and guaranteed safety on multiple floors.


Special tips in using

  • Ensure you tighten the lace-up front to customize fitting to enhance comfort and reduce mobility resistance.
  • Wear wool or wool blend socks to keep your feet dry, reduce bacteria’s growth and comfort. It also offers an extra cushioning layer and keeps your foot warmer, especially for those with arthritis conditions.
    • You may add a supportive insert to improve arch support for comfort, stability, foot alignment and reduce/relieve pressure impact on your footbed the ankle bones.


-Running boots

Athletes are highly exposed to develop plantar fasciitis when running due to topographical gradient change and stepping on an uneven surface which causes the overpronation of the plantar fascia, stress on the forefoot, high-pressure impact on the heel, and injuries sustained while running.

However, special types of shoes are specifically designed for running because of the improved comfort and pressure impact features. They include;

Recommended shoes:

1. ASICS Women’s Gel-Venture 7 Running Shoes

Gel-Venture 7 is crafted and designed for women with neutral arch and enhances your daily mileage without experiencing fatigue or any injuries that might trigger plantar fasciitis.

Featuring EVA midsole designed with GEL Technology and ortholite sock liner to offer additional cushioning to offer support, reduce pressure impact, and increases rebound.

Gel-Venture 7 is manufactured from synthetic leather, and the outsole features the acronym abrasion rubber sole to ensure durability and safety in critical floor surfaces.

Furthermore, the upper lining is meshed to improve foot aeration and has a laced-up front for customized fitting.


2. ASICS Men’s Gel-Venture 7 Running Shoes

Not only meant for women but also men. Gel-Venture 7 is highly engineered with dense features making it reliable, versatile for running, and fit for people’s plantar fasciitis condition.

Designed with Rearfoot GEL cushioning system and a removable ortholite X-40 sock liner with EVA midsole to allow a smooth transition, attenuates shock during impact, increases rebound, and provide excellent moisture management.

Moreover, the sole is manufactured from high abrasion rubber to reduce friction, provide heel bone support and durability.

Furthermore, the shoe’s comfort is elevated to the top-notch due to its lightweight designation, and the upper lining is meshed for breathability to keep your feet cool and reduce internal footbed resistance, making it an excellent running partner.


Special tips in using

  • For those with deep arch, you may add a supportive insert to improve support and absorb shock impact on arch and heels.
  • Always tie the laces for the shoe to hug the shoe comfortably, reduce the resistance and avoid tripping while running to enhance your safety.
  • Before you start running, ensure you massage your foot or do calf stretches to loosen the foot muscles to help reduce tension and relax plantar fascia muscle tissues.
  • Always wear socks to absorb sweat, control odor and bacterial growth, reducing the risk factors of developing plantar fasciitis.


-Walking boots

Walking in the wrong type of shoes is the most inconveniencing and uncomfortable experience no one would want to go through.

Therefore, comfort and safety is the key factor your walking shoes should possess to ensure you do not get fed up with walking in them and reduce other factors that may contribute injuries and stress to your foot.

Hence, below are some of the best walking shoes that will also help alleviate plantar fasciitis.

-Recommended shoes:

1. Orthofeet Proven Plantar Fasciitis, Foot and Heel Pain Relief.

These sneakers are in high demand due to their orthopedic and therapeutic design proven to be comfortable and stable to allow you to walk with ease.

The insole is bio-mechanically engineered with cushioning in multiple layers, anatomical arch support, wide toe-box, and 360-degree stretchable upper lining.

Thus, reducing stress, pressure, and straining of the ankle bones, connective tissues from your toe to the arch, and prevents foot swelling.

Also, it has a padded cushion fabric that is breathable and protected against odor to enhance your foot to remain relaxed and free from bacterial and viral growth. Furthermore, the sole is ergonomically designed with abrasions to reduce friction and friendly to all types of floors.


2. New Balance Women's FuelCore Nergize V1 Sneaker

Nergize V1 sneakers for women are entirely designed to preserve your foot balance and comfort. V1 features an incredible lightweight REVlite midsole with an NB memory foam insert to deliver a plush feeling with every step under your footbed and hugs your foot for supportive fitting all day.

The synthetic fabric material used for construction is super-lightweight and breathable to reduce fatigue and controls odor and bacterial growth.

When exploring nature, your safety is guaranteed by the rugged rubber sole for friendliness on all surfaces, improving stability, and reducing pressure build-up on the heels, arch, and forefoot.


Special tips in using

  • Do not walk in a loose shoe; tie the lace to customize the fitting or add a supportive insert to adjust its fitting. This reduces resistance at the forefoot and improves stability while walking.
  • Before wearing the shoe, always massage your foot to relax your footbed muscles and heel nerves to improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.
  • Do not glide on the floor surface while walking; maintain the sole tractions to serve you for substantial time and enhance your safety while walking on delicate surfaces to avoid getting injuries that may predispose you to plantar fasciitis symptoms.



Sandals are not only to be worn while indoor and collecting emails outdoor, but they are also a good option that can alleviate and enhance recovery against plantar fasciitis, especially when the pain is extreme and you cannot withstand wearing shoes.

However, they should also integrate features that make it reliable to reduce risks and symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Below are some of the sandals that are recommendable for plantar fasciitis;


1. Clarks Women's Breeze Sea

Women breeze sea sandals are manufactured with versatility in mind and super lightweight materials for flexibility and comfort while absorbing shock without adding weight to your feet.

Clark's insoles are integrated with High-density foam, EVA Midsole, and another upper soft cushion layer to provide unbeatable underfoot comfort and reduce pain related to plantar fasciitis.

Moreover, the synthetic rubber sole is designed to enhance natural motion and offers ample support while featuring tractions underneath against slipping and gliding on the surfaces. Further, the flip flop and loop designation also offers secure fitting.


2. OOFOS - Unisex OOahh

OOFOS is engineered with OOfoam Recovery technology, which is scientifically proven to ease stress, pressure build-up in your foot and speeds up recovering process related to foot injuries and complications.

The sandals comfortably conform to your foot and have a patented footbed to cradle with arch, heels, and forefoot for incredible pressure absorption and offer a soft feel. Thus, alleviating sore feet. Knees and back.

The heel and toe area is a yacht designed to allow natural motion and relief. The sole is also thick on the arch to improve stability and offers cushioned feeling for maximum comfort.


Special tips in using

  • Wear your shoes when your foot is dry to control odor and bacterial and viral infection.
  • Wear socks to protect your foot against catching a cold because it may lead to a lot of pain, especially when you are suffering from arthritis condition which is a predisposing factor that enhances plantar fasciitis.
  • Always customize the straps to ensure your foot fits comfortably to avoid stressing and straining the arch to avoid overpronation.



Slippers come into play to help with plantar fasciitis symptoms, reduce the risk factors and objects that may injure the plantar fascia because it offers protection to your feet' ligaments, nerves, and tissue muscles.

But to avoid injuring plantar fascia, the slippers should fit you properly and feel comfortable to your feet; hence for the best, your slippers should provide the following benefits you will find in the reviewed slippers below.

-Recommended slipper shoes:

1. Vionic Women's Gemma Mule Slipper

Trusted and approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association, Gemma Mule Slippers offers excellent relief against pain. The Mule uses orthotic inserts, is covered with 100% polyester terry cloth, incorporated with a deep heel cup, and biomechanically contoured and podiatric engineered.

All these features help your footbed entirely hug the sole for maximum comfort, provide arch and heel bone support, improve stability and balancing, and naturally spread the foot to avoid collapsing the foot structure.

The sole features a rubber construction with grips to ensure you walk on them safely and friendly to all floor surfaces.

Also, you can customize a perfect fit with the hook-and-loop closure across the vamp because it is adjustable. Further, your foot is also protected against cold since the upper lining is covered by polyester terry cloth to keep you warm and pamper your feet.


2. RockDove Women's Original Two-Tone Memory Foam Slipper

Two-Tone Memory Foam Slipper is 95% made from cotton and 5% spandex material to enhance comfort, moisture absorption, and expansion if your foot swells.

The open heel cap allows you to comfortably wear them alongside the upper waffle knit, which lets your foot be sweat-free and odor-free, thereby reducing bacterial growth that may lead to the factor developing plantar fasciitis. The footbed features dense memory foam that contours to the shaft and reduces the impact while walking.

Also, durability is guaranteed by the rubber sole construction with tractions underneath to reduce friction and heel pressure since it is slightly raised for shock absorption and stability.

Special tips in using

  • Avoid wearing the slippers while wet or with wet shoes to reduce footbed resistance and eliminate odor and bacterial growth. Wearing slippers in a wet condition is healthy for your foot and makes the slipper wear and tear faster.
  • You should wear the slippers with cotton or wool cotton socks to efficiently absorb the sweat and reduce resistance.
  • Always customize the vamp or straps for a perfect fit to balance and stabilize your foot while walking because your foot’s wrong posture is very dangerous to your foot health.

-Tennis shoes

Tennis is one of the intense sports activities that demand a lot of your foot stability. This is due to the sharp corners and instant breaks you will make while playing.

Hence, exposing you to injuries, stress, and straining of the ligaments, muscle tissues, and tendons, especially when you wear shoes with insufficient support and grips.

And for that information wearing the correct type of shoe would be a great relief and keep you off from such inconveniences that may lead to pain and inflammation of plantar fasciitis.

-Recommended shoes:

1. Ryka Women's Devotion Plus 2 Oxford

Plus 2 Oxford Women tennis shoe is ergonomically designed specifically for tennis players and has built-in features that ensure you are not exposed to plantar fasciitis risk factors.

Engineered with Precise-ReturnO Technology to offer anatomical and extra support for your foot heel, toe, and shaft. This tennis shoe's comfort is further improved by its lightweight construction that ensures you will feel no weight while playing.

Besides, your ankle and heel bone are protected too against pressure and stress due to the built-in smooth Lycra-lined tongue and comfort collar cushioning.

You need not worry about the surface while playing because the sole has been gripped to offer ample support against friction and keep your foot well balanced on every impact. Furthermore, it features lace upfront to customize the fitting and reduce resistance.


2. Orthofeet Proven Plantar Fasciitis, {for Women}

These women's sneakers are entirely meant for tennis players and offer a lot of support and stability while playing tennis because of their orthopedic and therapeutic design.

The footbed, arch, and heel are padded with cushion fabric that is breathable and protected against odor. The sole is ergonomically designed with abrasions to reduce friction and improve safety on all surfaces.

The insole is also highly bio-mechanically engineered, with heel and arch cushioning in multiple layers to offer anatomical arch support. It features a wide toe-box and a 360-degree stretchable upper lining.

Thus, reducing stress, pressure, and straining of the ankle bones, connective tissues from your toe to the heel bones prevent the foot from swelling.


Special tips in using

  • Do not lace up front very tight because it enhances sweating and creates a lot of resistance, thereby collapsing your foot structure. Hence, causing overpronation, heel bone pressure, and overstressing of the arch.
  • Always wear socks while playing to absorb moisture and reduce resistance and bacterial infection and growth.
  • You may add a supportive and removable insole when you feel it is a little uncomfortable for your footbed and heels.



Sneakers are the most preferred footwear that is frequently worn with outfits due to their casual characteristics features.

However, it would help if you did not sacrifice your foot wearing sneakers' well-being to further lead to foot complications.

Hence, there are some of the best and reliable sneakers that will work best with your feet while ensuring your comfort is preserved. They include;

-Recommended shoes:

1. STQ Slip-On Women Fashion Sneakers

STQ Slip-on Women Sneakers is designed in style for casual wear and rich with enough features to curb plantar fasciitis and allows you to walk on them for prolonged hours without feeling any pain and burden.

STQ is lightweight-weight designed, breathable, and the upper fabric construction is stretchable to offer great freedom for customized fitting, keep your feet cool, and reduce footbed resistance. The toe is wide and round, the heel is deep, and the arch is supported for shock absorption on every impact and flexibility.

Further, it featured a PU construction outsole with an air cushion and gripped underneath for wear and slip resistance to improve stability and foot structure balancing.


2. Skechers Women’s D’Lites Memory Foam Lace-up Sneaker

D’Lite Sneakers is stylishly designed with an attractive upper, and its collar and tongue are padded for additional comfort and ankle support.

Besides, the footbed is constructed with a thick midsole for completely shocking absorbed steps, making it perfect for everyday purposes. The durable rubber sole is flexible and offers arch support for increased comfort, stability, and proper foot alignment while walking.

Furthermore, the sole has tractions and grips to reduce friction on all surfaces and ensure you are safe even on a delicate surface.

This sneaker’s interior lining is padded for moisture absorption and features a lace-up front for customizable fitting to reduce resistance.


Special tips in using sneakers shoes

  • Sneakers look great with Ankle socks when the weather is hot and wear with thick knitted socks when cold.
  • Always lace up to customize the fitting to reduce resistance while walking.
  • Avoid stepping on uneven surfaces to keep your foot balanced to avoid unnecessary injuries that may lead to overstretching of the arch, misalignment of the foot, and ankle bone discomfort.
  • When not in use, always insert inside shoe trees and toe shapers to maintain the shoes’ shape and control the odor and moisture.


-Basketball shoes

Playing Basketball is also a rescue because of sudden jumps, dribbling, and running at high speed. But playing in the right type of shoe will elevate your gaming experience to another level without getting injuries and complications like plantar fasciitis that may keep you off the court nursing injuries.

Hence, you can check some of our best basketball shoe brands that are reliable to your foot and the court.

Recommended shoes:

1. Adidas Harden Vol. 4 Shoes Men's

Adidas Harden Vol. 4 is a basketball shoe meant for plantar fasciitis because of its unique craftsmanship to help the player confidently play with many comforts and without worries of developing severe injuries in the field.

The shoe is super lightweight constructed to offer maximum comfort and enhance speed while playing, especially for flat feet. The sole is made from rubber material with sufficient grips underneath to improve safety and stability while playing.

The insole is padded with extra cushioning layers at the arch, toes, and heels to reduce every step's impact, pressure, and overpronation of the foot.

Furthermore, the laced upfront allows the player to customize the fitting to improve stability and foot structure to balance appropriately.


2. Under Armour Men's Curry 5 Basketball Shoe {basketball}

Curry 5 basketball shoes are crafted for maximum unpredictability performance and offer comfort when playing. The shoe is lightweight for optimum speed and agility and is further enhanced with full-knit construction and lockdown lacing for a precise 360-degree and feel.

Due to extreme jumping and stretching, the players' safety landing on the ground is guaranteed by the built-in Anafoam containment zones in the lateral forefoot wall and around the heel to absorb the impact and weight.

Besides, the EVA cushioning midsole delivers underfoot responsiveness and stability. The shoe sole is made of 100% rubber and is gripped with tractions for all court grip systems, and allows the player to stop instantly and make quick cuts.


Special tips in using

  • Play with the shoe by starting at a slow pace and as time goes increase the pace and duration for several weeks to reduce the risk factors that may result in injuries or PF.
  • In case of midsole tears, it’s always good to replace them immediately and avoid playing with your basketball shoe when the midsole flattened to avoid overstressing and straining your foot.
  • Wear socks, especially those with a high moisture-wicking ability to absorb sweat and improve your stability and foot alignment due to decreased resistance. Besides, playing with damp footwear can cause foot pain and injuries, and cause blisters.


4. Best brands that are reliable

- Orthofeet Shoes

Orthofeet is one of the best, trusted, and reliable shoes proven and recommendable for plantar fasciitis. What makes Orthofeet unique is its ergonomic construction that features anatomical orthotic insole and air pockets underneath the heel to help distribute shock impact, completely supports and cradles the foot comfortably to prevent overpronation of the plantar fascia and heel.

Further, the toe box base is broad with extra depth to allow the toes to spread naturally without restricting toe movement.

- OOFOS Shoes

OOFOS is also a reliable brand that you can trust to help you recover from plantar fasciitis symptoms.

What makes these shoes offer excellent service is that the Oofoam memory foam takes the pressure off the user's foot, spreads it evenly throughout and supports the arch, and improves the foot structure to reduce tension and ensure proper foot alignment.

Hence, making it also one of the best brands for plantar fasciitis.

- ASICS Shoes

ASICS also manufactures some of the best shoes that you can rely on to recover from plantar fasciitis and other foot inflammation conditions.

Asics shoes are outstanding due to their lightweight designation to eliminate fatigue and to offer stability and structure.

Most of their shoes feature an upper lining meshed for breathability and are cushioned at the toe-box, shaft, and heel for shock absorption and added support.

- Adidas Shoes

Adidas is among the most reliable shoe brand worldwide due to their improved technology and daily invention to offer a solution against plantar fasciitis.

Most of their shoes feature stability features to prevent excessive straining. The midsole cushioning is firm and more supportive to the foot structure to reduce impact and induce faster healing.

Further, they also feature engineered upper mesh that is visible to offer adaptive fitting flexibility and keep your feet cool.


5. Tips and precautions

After you have to find the best shoes suitable for plantar fasciitis, you should focus on how to wear them to help you recover properly and last longer.

However, it is only possible if you have to take the following tips and precautions, they include;

  • Always make sure you wear the shoes with a pair of socks to absorb moisture, reduce resistance and protect you against bacterial and viral infections.
  • When you are not using your shoes, always insert inside shoe trees and toe shapers to maintain the shoes’ shape and control the odor and moisture.
  • Lace up the shoes while walking on them to prevent unnecessary injuries to your foot which are the predisposing factors of developing plantar fasciitis.
  • Avoid stepping on uneven surface/rugged terrain to enhance stability and balance to prevent further injuries and dislocation.
  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting shoes because they put a lot of straining and prevent the foot from spreading naturally and comfortably, making you uncomfortable and causes foot structure misalignment.
  • Always use a supportive insole if your midsole is flattened or when you feel uncomfortable at the heel, toe, and arch areas to improve your stability and comfort.


Best Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis Reviews

The One For Kids: ASICS Kids Gel-Venture 7. Inexpensive and durable

walking shoes for plantar fasciitis

The ASICS Kids Gel-Venture 7 offers many features.

Support and Comfortability.

Utilizing a unique GEL technology, the ASICS Kids Gel-Venture 7 minimizes the impact of every step taken and jumps made. In turn, reducing the stress on the joints. Also designed with the Ortholite Sockliner, added support and stability are assured for maximum comfort.


Specifically designed underneath is a molded rubber outsole for multi-surface traction. Meaning, you can use the ASICS Kids Gel-Venture 7 on any kind of surface.

Moisture Management.

The ASICS Kids Gel-Venture 7 offers a waterproof and breathable mesh upper allowing the flow of air into the shoes and keeping the moisture at a very minimal rate.

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For Corrective: Memo Polo Ankle Support Children's Orthopedic Sneaker

doctor recommended shoes plantar fasciitis

Flat Inside

One hundred percent leather, the prophylactic and corrective orthopedic walking shoe is designed with a flat inside to support the use of fitted and custom braces.

Foot Management

Designed with the Thomas heel to aid in the prevention of flat foot. The Memo Polo Ankle Support Children's Corrective Orthopedic Sneaker offers a thermoplastic asymmetric stiff heel counter that provides amazing feet stability and protection. Also, this shoe aids in proper foot development utilizing a Unique outsole system of dynamic control.

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Perfect For Smelly Feet: ASICS Men’s Gel-Venture 7 Running Shoes

good shoes for plantar fasciitis


The ASICS Men’s Gel-Venture 7 Running Shoes offer top-notch comfort. Soft and cozy, these running shoes feature a rearfoot Gel technology. This provides cushioning to your feet. Absorbing shock during impact to the ground.

Breathable and Wicking

This pair of running shoes are extremely breathable. This is because of the Ortholite X-40 premium sock liner. This sock liner which is also removable works perfectly as a moisture manager. It wicks the moisture on your feet and allows the passage of air to your feet.


Although being a standard rubber sole, ASICS designed it to provide tractions on all types of surfaces. Placed in the crucial areas of the outsole, these running shoes feature the ASICS High Abrasion rubber. (AHAR). This improves the durability of the running boots.

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Most Durable: New Balance Men’s 608 V5 Casual Comfort Cross Trainer

house shoes for plantar fasciitis


Surprisingly, the New Balance Men’s 608 V5 Casual Comfort Cross Trainer is 100% leather except for the rubber sole. The premium leather upper offers the softest comfort you desire.


Proudly a training shoe that provides incredible comfort. The 608 V5 features a durable New Balance Comfort Insert. Hitting it from all angles, the 608 V5 is equipped with an ABZORB heel crash pad that offers excellent cushioning and is compression resistant.

Added to the list is a dual-density collar foam that is perfect for keeping your feet at their best preventing your ankles from being irritated. Lastly, the flexible outsole, thanks to the deep flex grooves that cover the sole length helps you move in comfort.

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The Lightweight Choice: Orthoshoes Men's Diabetic Edema Shoes

best walking shoes for flat feet and plantar fasciitis

Maximum comfort

They made these shoes lightweight and have a breathable upper, which is perfect for all seasons and activities. It showcases an air cushion design capable of absorbing shock for every step and strike made. The diabetic shoes have a removable cushioned insole for added support and comfort. It can also allow custom diabetic insoles and orthotics.

Easy Wearing

Made for the elderly or those who have swollen feet, hammertoes, bunions, and plantar fasciitis. The Ortho Shoes Men's Diabetic Edema shoes do not apply pressure on the feet because of the adjustable forefoot strap.

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Suitable For Summer Use: Skechers Men’s Go Walk 5 Walking Shoe Sneaker

best work shoes for plantar fasciitis


With the simple-to-use adjustable strap hook and loop closure. The Skechers GO WALK 5 improves stability and comfort, keeping you on pace no matter what. They designed the double strap front for a comfortable fit. It provides added support and cushioning effect. This is all thanks to Goga air-cooled mat, which also wicks moisture.


Stylish and strong, these walking sneakers can survive any athletic activity; be it workouts, walking, gym activities, and multi-sport exercises. The Skechers Go Walk 5, can be worn all year.

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For Work: Clarks Women’s Cheyn Madi Slip-On Loafer

best athletic shoes for plantar fasciitis


With the ability to absorb moisture because of the textile lining found in it. The Clarks women’s Chyn Madi Slip-on loafer is designed with an elastic goring to give it an extra stretch for leg fit. They provide long-lasting cushioning using the Cushion Soft technology with an Ortholite insole to protect your feet from constant impact with the ground.


The Clarks women’s Chyn Madi Slip-on loafer features a TPR (ThermoPlastic Rubber) insole. Which without a doubt is durable to some extent.

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